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Terms & Conditions

In addition to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy applicable to the Cooley GO site generally (available at, which are incorporated by reference to these terms, the following terms apply to your use of the Cooley GO Docs document generation system and your agreement to these terms is required before you are permitted to use the system. You acknowledge and agree that the making available of these documents (the “Cooley GO Docs”) to you by Cooley LLP shall not create any attorney-client or other confidential or special relationship between you and Cooley LLP and does not constitute the provision of legal advice or other professional advice by Cooley LLP. You should seek advice from an attorney licensed in the relevant jurisdiction(s), as well as a tax professional, before relying on the Cooley GO Docs. The questionnaire and documents produced by Cooley GO Docs may be considered Attorney Advertising under the ethical rules of certain jurisdictions.

Additionally, the information provided in the Cooley GO Docs and the questionnaire does not constitute tax advice. Any discussion of tax matters is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter. You further agree and acknowledge that the Cooley GO Docs have not been prepared with your specific circumstances in mind, may not be suitable for use in your business, and do not constitute tax advice. Relying on these Cooley GO Docs, you assume all risk and liability that may result. You should not use Cooley GO Docs and you should consult your tax, accounting and/or legal advisors in the event the business you are considering organizing has material existing assets, liabilities or operations, or if any assets or contributions are being made by a founder that would cause the value of the company to be anything other than minimal.

Review all documents carefully for accuracy before using them. Depending on which documents you choose to generate, there may be YELLOW HIGHLIGHTED portions requiring your attention and modification.

COOLEY LLP PROVIDES THESE TERMS ON AN “AS IS” BASIS, AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, AND INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, OR NONINFRINGEMENT. WHILE WE TAKE PRECAUTIONS TO PROTECT THE SECURITY OF YOUR INFORMATION, WE CANNOT GUARANTEE IT. You confirm that you have the authority to share any information that you provide about any entity or other individuals. In the ordinary course of the document generation software powering the Cooley GO Docs, the software may temporarily store on our servers and locally cache data you enter (including copies of the resulting documents generated). You further confirm that any information you provide is non-confidential. We cannot and do not guarantee the confidentiality or security of any data you provide.

These terms and the operations or availability of the Cooley GO Docs document generator may be changed by Cooley LLP, with or without notice, at its sole discretion.

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